April 11, 2024

Why you need to visit GetGround's stall at the Property Investor Show

Find, finance, structure, or sell your next property, all in one place.


This year’s Property Investor Show is right around and is a must-go event for anyone looking for profitable property investment. In 2022, we attended the show and we’re excited to return this year with a booth and two seminar slots. Catering to both novice investors and seasoned landlords, the weekend will facilitate networking, information on current property market trends, and the opportunity to find potential investment properties. 


At the show, we look forward to providing investors with an all-in-one solution for hassle-free property investment. Our mission is to facilitate more profitable and accessible property investing. To this end, we offer landlords the opportunity to transition to a limited company structure, establish a new limited company through GetGround, and benefit from our £29 per month limited company accounting and tax services. Discover other ways stopping by GetGround's stall at the show can help you in your investment journey... 


Learn more about efficient, all-in-one property investment 

Understanding the stages of the property investment journey and enhancing efficiency at each step is vital for investor success in the current market. At GetGround, we are committed to offering landlords more accessible and profitable property investing options. Our all-in-one property investment platform gives investors the tools to achieve high returns with low effort. That’s why, interested investors can speak to our dedicated consultants and learn how GetGround's suite of products integrates to streamline the UK property investment process. They will gain insights into our offerings and how to leverage them for investment success.


Find out how to grow the returns from your investment effortlessly

As market context and regulations evolve, investors must work harder to access profitable property investments. We understand the challenges this presents, and so we offer business accounts and Investment Pots to GetGround users which enable a hands-off approach to growing investment returns. For further information on how to make the most of these features, our team will be available at the show to answer questions and help investors with the set-up process. 


Gain insights into the current property investment landscape

Following recent spring budget changes, a turbulent 2023, and six consecutive months of unchanged base rates, investors have felt sceptical about the market outlook. However, projections for 2024 suggest a drop in base rates, increased property options entering the market, and more competitive financing options, making it a buyers’ market.


During the weekend, our dedicated consultants can provide clarity on the current state of the UK property market and the factors influencing property investment. This empowers investors at any stage of their journey with a deeper understanding of the landscape before making any property investment decisions.


Discover how to build a successful property investment strategy

With this deeper understanding of the UK property market’s current state; comprehension of GetGround’s suite of property investment products; and access to the additional features we offer that make profitable investment simpler, investors can discover how to build a more successful property investment strategy. On these days, they will be able to delve deeper into each product as members from our specialised teams will be available to answer any questions.


Interested in finding out more? 
To explore these topics, our products and features, and more, join us at this year’s Property Investor Show. We are excited to meet you and simplify your investment journey with our all-in-one property investment solution. Whether you’re ready to start your journey, or just seeking more information — we’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Reserve your spot at the show today.

Streamline your entire property investment journey

GetGround is the all-in-one property investment platform designed for high returns, with low effort. Built for every stage of the journey, you can find, finance, structure and sell your property investment. No matter if you’re an experienced landlord or a first-time investor - we’re here to help.

Benefit from hassle-free property investing

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