Shareholder Information

What is a shareholder?

A shareholder is anyone that owns one or more shares in a company.

How do I become a shareholder?

To become a shareholder in a GetGround company, you must be over 18, pass all required checks, and be an individual person. We do not currently allow other companies to be shareholders of GetGround companies.

GetGround shareholder information

Each GetGround company can have up to 8 shareholders. However, we recommend checking with your broker or mortgage lender before setting up your shareholder structure to see whether they might have any other restrictions.


When designing your company, you will be given the option to designate which of your shareholders you would like to appoint as a director. You will need to have at least one director in your company, but all shareholders may be directors if they choose to be. When you select your director(s), it is worth noting that directors will have more responsibility in ensuring that the company is running effectively.


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