The accounting process

The accounting process is handled in three stages. Here is a general overview of our accounts process.

Stage 1 - Document submission

You will be taken through a short questionnaire so we can figure out what documents we need to submit based on your answers.

You can watch our Webinar here for further step-by-step guidance on how to complete the document submission process.

Stage 2 - Drafting your accounts

The documents will be submitted to the accounts team and we will start to prepare the draft accounts for you.

Step 3 - Reviewing and signing your documents

Your drafted accounts will be uploaded to your dashboard and you will be able to have the final review before you sign. If you're happy with the documents, you can sign them and we will file them with Companies House. You may have corporation tax due. You can find out further information on how to pay this here

We will notify you by email at every stage in the accounting process


Please let our team know if you have any questions, we're happy to help. You can contact our support team at