How do I check if I have Corporation Tax payable?


As part of our annual filing services, we handle the tax calculation on your behalf so all you will need to do, is simply pay the tax.

  1. Log into your dashboard and click on the 'Portfolio’ 'tab at the top of the page, 
  2. Select the relevant company from the 'Companies’ tab  
  3. Scroll down to reveal the 'Documents' tab
  4. Find the document entitled 'Corporation Tax Computation'

The Corporation Tax payable will be displayed as Corporation Tax Outstanding . If the Corporation Tax Outstanding is NIL, you have no tax to pay.

If your accounting period is longer than 12 months, there may be more than 1 page to the Corporation Tax Computation, in these instances, you will need to make 2 payments to HMRC using 2 payment references.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at