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  2. GetGround Companies
  3. Company Creation & Incorporation

Designing your GetGround Company

It takes just twenty minutes to design a company through the GetGround platform. You can get started right away by going to this link. To make the process easier, we recommend having your passport and details of any other properties you might own handy.


What happens once I have designed my company?

Once your company has been designed, the next step is to make sure that all of your shareholders (if you have any!) have signed up for the GetGround platform as well. They will be notified by email with a link to sign up, but we also recommend following up with them to make sure that the process goes smoothly.


Once all shareholders have signed up, our Customer Onboarding Team will complete all necessary checks. If there are any issues or if further information is required, our team will contact each shareholder individually to let them know.

After all the checks have been completed, your application will be sent to Companies House to incorporate your company. You can then expect to hear from us to confirm that your company has been incorporated.


You can check the progress of your investment company at any time by logging into your dashboard.


When will my Business Account be opened?

We will open your Business Account (with UK sort code and account number) shortly after your company has been incorporated. Our Onboarding Team will be on hand to guide you through this process. However, If we require any additional information or details from you to set this up, we will contact you directly.

For more information on how you can get started with your Business Account, please see our article here.


How much does it cost to incorporate a company?

To get started with GetGround, you’ll pay a one-time set-up fee of either £50* (if you are a UK resident) or £579* (if you’re a non-UK resident). This covers all the costs associated with starting your company including:

  • Setting up a UK Company
  • All legal documents (articles of association, shareholder agreements, owner’s or director’s loan notes)
  • Company Structuring
  • A Business Account for all your business expenses

*Prices are non-inclusive of VAT.


Onboarding on an Existing Company?

If you have already incorporated a company England, Scotland and Wales, we can potentially provide our GetGround accounting and company management services to you! 


If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at gethelp@getground.co.uk where one of the team will be happy to help.